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  Social Responsibility :.

Based in South Africa, Absol recognises the need for business to play a role in skills development and social responsibility programmes in the country.

Over the past 8 years, Absol is proud and honoured to have been associated with and/or donated various resources and time to causes we believe in.

We thank the following organisations for allowing us to contribute in our own small way.

University of Pretoria
Provided in-service training for students from The University of Pretoria (TUKS).
St Mary's DSG Outreach
St Mary's DSG Outreach is a center of the school that contributes to better educational opportunities for many previously disadvantaged South Africans. Absol donated web hosting and technical support to the Outreach programme.
Tshwane University
Absol partnered with the Tshwane University to provide learners with internship programmes.
South African Rugby League
Absol sponsored a student for the 1999 Student Rugby World Cup in the UK.
Positive Art
Donated e-mail services to Positive Art, a South African non-profit organisation that seeks to highlight the challenges of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in a creative and non-conventional manner.
Sungardens Hospice
Pretoria Sungardens Hospice provides support and specialised care to persons facing progressive and advanced illness from which they are unlikely to recover. Absol donated a free web site and hosting service to the organisation.
Wings in Need
Designed web presence and donated free web hosting to Wings in Need, a rehabilitation centre that provided 24-hour service to the public and wild birds of Pretoria and the surrounding areas.
Provided free hosting and a web presence to BEARS.

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